Planning and Zoning

Planning & Zoning

Information for Property Owners, Residents, Town Officials, and Visitors

Pineville Planning and Zoning Department responds to the questions and concerns of property owners, residents, and town officials regarding the development and use of land. Planning and Zoning Department staff work on a variety of issues including the day-to day enforcement and compliance of town ordinances, creating policies on community growth, and developing long-range planning goals for a sustainable future. The department also provides assistance to the Planning Board, Board of Adjustment and Town Council for issues related to re-zonings, zoning text amendments, subdivision regulations, variances, land use plans, and similar activities. If you are interested in serving on one of these boards, please click here for an application.

For our fees please see the Finance Department page: Fee Schedule

QUESTION: I would like to set up mobile food and beverage or a food truck in the Town of Pineville. What zoning items do i need?

Answer: Food trucks and similar on private property require a temporary event permit that can be found at the top of this page under the “forms” tab. There is a maximum of 4 permits per year per property. Each permit is good for 14 days for a maximum yearly amount of 56 days per tax parcel. Days do not have to be consecutive. Food trucks can apply for specific limited reoccurring days such as Fridays provided that the 56 days is not exceeded. Other approvals such as food safety, tents, and property owner permission is needed. Please contact us for additional information and approval prior to set up to avoid code enforcement.

QUESTION: I would like to apply for ABC license approval what do I do?

Answer: There are TWO forms needed for an ABC beverage license. These two forms are the zoning approval and local opinion form. These forms can be found under the “Forms” tab link in the dark green bar at the top of this page. Please fill out and complete BOTH forms to the Planning Department or Town Clerk. The Zoning form also requires building and fire inspectors which are obtained through Meckenburg County. You are welcome to begin with building, fire, or zoning first. Zoning approval for requests within Pineville municipal limits must be approved through Town authorized representative. The order of signatures is not important so long as all are obtained prior to final submittal. We can only assist or complete applications for locations within the incorporated limits of the Town of Pineville.

QUESTION: SIGNS. I want to put up a sign what do I do?

Answer: Please contact us for zoning regulations and permitting needs before installation to avoid code enforcement. Please have address, width of building frontage, and size of all signs readily available. You will need Pineville zoning compliance and most often formal permitting with a licensed contractor for Mecklenburg County. Permit submittal is digital via this link: County Sign Permit Portal

QUESTION: I would like to have a yard sale or temporary outdoor sales event what do I do?

Answer: Please click forms at the top of this page and then click temporary event/yard sale permit and see additional information. Note: for temporary events with tents you will most likely need to speak with the County Fire Marshall office for applicable tent fire safety requirements.

QUESTION: I live along Lancaster Highway with a Pineville zip code, am I within Pineville Town limits?

Answer: No. Zip code is independent from municipal limits. The neighborhoods West of Lancaster Highway (including Cardinal Woods, Danby, Lamplighter, Woodside Falls, Southcrest, Winghurst, Strathmore, and Glenfinnan) to Providence Rd West are unincorporated Mecklenburg County. Please call Mecklenburg County for all inquiries in this area. Similarly, properties along Park Road by the Hospital including Willow Ridge, John’s Towne, and Willowhurst have a Charlotte zip code but are within Pineville Town Limits.

Contact the Planning & Zoning Department

Planning Director

Travis Morgan

Code Enforcement

Michael Cartwright

Quick Links:

Upcoming or Pending Project Information

Pineville Street Map

Livano Pineville Apartment Project 

More information on this project to come. Here are the current designs that Town Council have approved. Minor changes may be adjusted before completion. The project will be built on Main and Church in Pineville where the old Post Office was located.

Downtown Apartment Development 71123 packet page 41

Downtown Development 71123 packet page 42

SK1r1 – Conceptual Elevations-Bldg 1 – 30×42

SK2r1 – Conceptual Elevations-Bldg 2 & 3 – 30×42

COVID expanded outdoor dining policy:

Click Here