

Art Classes

Masterpieces by You

Cookie Decorating Classes

Where: Belle Johnston Community Center Classroom
Fees: $17 resident of Pineville/ $22 non-resident
Dates & Times: All classes start at 6pm / 1-2 classes per month

Please follow us for dates, registration info and cookie design each month. Follow us on our Facebook page (PinevilleParksandRecreation) and Instagram (pinevilleparknrec).  Also, Check out Be Good Cookies, LLC on Facebook for pictures of previous classes and home decorating parties.

New Moon Sound Bath Meditation

Art Classes

Puzzle Competitions

Queen City Model Yacht Club

A little bit about us: We love sailing and racing radio-controlled sailboats.   You are invited to come and watch or try your hand at sailing radio control model sailboats at Pineville Lake Park.  Please visit our website for more information.  Below are some of the particulars.

WHERE:  We sail at the Belle Johnston Community Center Pond:
1000 Johnston Dr. Pineville, NC 28134

WHEN: We race on most Wednesdays and Saturdays from 10:30AM to 12:30PM.    Occasionally we will host intra-club and/or regional Regattas at our site too.

WHAT:  We like to race Kyosho Seawind, Dragon Flite 95, and Soling’s. We open racing to more than one boat class due to lack of Seawind spare parts and new sailboats.

If you do not have a boat and would like to try your hand or see if this is something you would like to try, we have club boats available for you.

The Town of Pineville has been very helpful and gracious allowing our club to use Lake Park and even built a dock for us to launch the boats. It is a great place for these activities.

If you are interested in having some fun and making new friends contact us via our website: or by email at: or stop by!

Class Info & Registration

Various classes are offered throughout the year through the Town of Pineville Parks & Recreation Department. Browse the listed items or contact…

 Heather Creech
Programs and Events Coordinator


Do you have a special interest that you would like to share with others in a class?

Do you know someone who can share an interesting subject or craft?

Contact Heather Creech at (704) 889-2400

Fitness & Exercise Classes

Get Moving With                      Pineville Parks & Recreation

Attention Pineville Residents:  Pineville residents who live within the city limits may use the Belle Johnston Community Center for free. Residents will need to provide a photo ID with their current address and a recent utility bill to get a membership card.

Come in and check out our updated weight room!

Fitness Equipment & Indoor Walking Track

Hours: Monday-Thursday: 7:00am-8:00pm, Fri. 7:00am-5:00pm Sat. 10:00am-5:00pm, Sun. 1:00pm-5:00pm

Open Gym – Residents may play basketball during open gym hours (check website or call community center).   Residents are responsible for their conduct of their and will be disciplined according to previously established park guidelines.


Pineville Parks and Recreation is offering Open Gym Pickleball!!!

Mondays & Fridays: 9am-12pm
Wednesdays: 1:30pm-4:30pm

$2 for Pineville Residents (must show proof of residency)

$3 fee for Non-Residents

Ages 12 and Up!

Balls will be provided!


Senior Exercise

Join our active older adult exercise program! Our goal is to help you stay independent and prevent falls. We use a ball, weights, and elastic tubing to improve total body strength. Each class includes a balance segment.

Classes are held at the Hut – 413 Johnston Drive, Pineville NC

Selected Medicare Supplement or Advantage programs include wellness, so there would be no charge. The fee for all others is $5 per class.

There is a class that fits everyone’s needs: chair yoga/stretch & balance/strength & balance/ Cardio Fit – Contact Lorraine Haynes:

Visit for class descriptions, times, and updates.

Yoga at the Hut

Location: The Hut, 413 Johnston Drive

Bootcamp With Lia

Participants bring their own weights and mats, no requirement on how heavy weights are. It can be whatever weight participants are comfortable with using for an hour. 

Bootcamp with Lia is a multi-format bootcamp for people of all fitness levels, where we do everything from high intensity interval training, weight training, fun games that keep things interesting, and I even include a partial stretch day every other week. You’ll be among a group of fun and motivating people that will keep you motivated and keep you accountable during and after workouts. All fitness levels are welcome, as there will be ways to modify all exercises so that every person can participate and get a good workout.

Location: Lake Park 

Days/Time: Monday/Wednesday/Friday (5:15AM – 6:15AM) 

1st Class: FREE, Single class: $10, 5 Classes; $40, Unlimited monthly: $110

To register, contact Lia Woods – 704-451-6790



CARDIO Funk with Lem Houston!

Where: First Tuesday of the month: Belle Johnston Community Center
All of other Tuesdays, The Hut (413 Johnston Drive)

When: Tuesdays from 6:30pm – 7:30pm

Cost: $10 drop – in

Lem Houston’s cardio funk class is 1 hour of fun, high energy, cardio dance with a hip hop influenced groove. During each session, plan to dance off 500 or more calories with a smile, surrounded by fun people who look to stay fit all year round. Cardio Funk is a cardiovascular fitness class that also tones and firms your muscles. It will target areas such as the lower body, upper body, and core. You will have such a great time.

Youth Classes & Activities


Conscious Warrior Karate: Training Mind, Heart, and Body

Self-confidence and self-control through self-defense training!

Our Philosophy: We are committed to teaching children and adults respect, self-confidence, self-control, self-discipline through martial arts training and healthy physical activity.

Children and Adults, age 5 and up. Parents are encouraged to take the class with their child(ren)

Wednesdays at 6:30pm at the Belle Johnston Community Center (1000 Johnston Drive, Pineville)

$10 per class (classes are 1 hour)

$10 annual registration fee (no contract)

Join Anytime! For more information visit