

Pineville Finance Department

The Finance Department is responsible for the development and oversight of the Town’s annual operating budget. Also responsible for:

  • Financial reporting
  • Cash flow and banking
  • Investing of the Town’s money
  • Managing the Town’s debt and debt payments
  • Budgetary compliance
  • Payroll

Pineville Town Budget and Fee Schedule

Pineville 2024 Town Financial Statement

Accounts Payable

Accounts Payable is responsible for processing payments to vendors for goods and services provided to the Town. Please call (704) 889-2363 for information or questions regarding Accounts Payable.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q. How often are checks processed?
A. Every Thursday.

Q. Can I pick up my check?
A. Town policy requires the checks to be mailed.

Q. When can I expect payment?
A. Invoices are paid according to the terms stated on vendor invoice. If terms are not stated on the invoice, we assume terms of net 30 days.

Q. What is the turnaround time to receive a check?
A. The invoices along with the approval from the department must be received by Accounts Payable by 10:00 am on Thursday to receive a check on Friday of that week.

Property Taxes

All Town of Pineville property tax is collected by Mecklenburg County Tax Office. Please call (704) 336-4600 for information or questions regarding your taxes.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q. What is the current tax rate?
A.  As of July 1, 2024 the rate is  $0.285 / $100 valuation.

Q. I’m looking at purchasing a house for $150,000, what would my annual town property tax levy be on this amount?
A. The town property tax rate is .285 per $100 valuation. On a $150,000 house, the annual levy would be $428.00.

Q.When are tax bills due?
A. September 1, however, bills are not delinquent until after January 5 of the following year. 

Tax bills are distributed and collected by Mecklenburg County. Tax records are stored at the County level and any questions pertaining to your tax bill should be directed to the Mecklenburg County Tax Collector’s Office.

Q. Do you have an after-hour depository & drive-thru for payments?
A. Currently, we have a depository for utility (telephone & electric) payments located at Pineville Town Hall, located at 505 Main St. next to the Pineville Police Station.

Contact the Finance Department

Christopher Tucker, CLGFO
Assistant Town Manager/Finance Director


Lanor Dailey

(704) 889-1948

Meredith Adams
Accounting Technician II

(704) 889-2363